Muntakhab Ahadith, Incwadi Malunga Nokunyaniseka is a translation into Xhosa of 100 Hadith from the Muntakhab Ahadith of Moulana Muhammad Yusuf Kandhalawi rahimahullah. These are from the chapter on Dawah (Inviting to Islam). Mufti M Taha Karaan rahimahullah, the late Principal of Dār al-ʿUlūm al-ʿArabiyyah al-Islāmiyyah, in Cape Town, had written a foreword for this…
Author: hidayah
Xhosa Resources
Surah Qadr
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Seerah Series 2024
Praise of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam in the poetry of the Sahaba radhiallahu anhum 1. Hassan ibn Thabit radhiallahu anhu 2. Kulayb ibn Asad radhiallahu anhu 3. Abdullah ibn Rawaha radhiallahu anhu 4. Ali ibn Abi Talib radhiallahu anhu 5. Hassan ibn Thabit radhiallahu anhu 6. Coming Soon
Surah Bayyinah
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Youth Pod
Podcasts for Youth from a Muslim perspective 1| LGBTQ: How to deal with a friend who has same-sex inclinations Download 2| LGBTQ: Dealing with my same-sex desires Download All Episodes:
Pearls on the Path
Series of short reminders by Moulana Mohammed Ali Desai 1. Preserving Faith 2. Link with the Youth 3. Connecting with the Noble Quran 4. Gallant Knight of Andalus 5. How to Handle Fame 6. Pleasing People 7. A Humourous Anecdote 8. Reflection of True Knowledge 9. Enjoying Divine Blessings 10. Good…
Qirat Night 2
Qirat Night held at Masjid Mansoor, Malabar, Port Elizabeth on Sat, 4 July 2018 18 students from 9 Hifz Madressas recited. Students were given gifts as a token of appreciation. Event was coordinated by Al Hidayah Centre, Eastern Cape in conjunction with Masjid Mansoor
Qirat Nights
Recordings of the Qirat Night recitals held in Port Elizabeth from 2018
Qirat Night 13
Qirat Night held at Masjid Khadijah, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth on Sat, 27 July 2024 17 students from 8 Hifz Madressas recited. Students were given gift packs and personalized gifts as a token of appreciation. Event was coordinated by Al Hidayah Centre, Eastern Cape in conjunction with Masjid Khadijah