Go to: 112 Surah Ikhlaas | 111 Surah Lahab | 108 Surah Kawthar 112 Surah Ikhlaas Verkorte Tafsir volgens Ibn Kathir Geopenbaar in Mekka Die Rede vir die Openbaring van hierdie Surah en sy Deugde Imam Ahmad het van Ubayy bin Ka‘b oorgelewer dat die afgodedienaars aan die Profeet (ﷺ) gesê het: “O Muhammad! Vertel…
Category: Afrikaans Publications
Beautiful Names Book One Afrikaans
Pragtige Name van Allah Ta’ala, Boek Een covers the first 33 names of Allah Ta’ala. It is a groundbreaking attempt to introduce the topic for possibly the first time in the Afrikaans language. It is a summary of the book by Moulana Moosa Kajee who in turn consulted books on this topic by Imam…
Masnoon Duas Afrikaans
Masnoon Duas Afrikaans consists of 34 Duas for daily use from the Hadith and Noble Quran. These have been translated into Afrikaans by Moulana Siraaj Joubert. The book includes the Arabic and useful transliteration, as well as etiquettes and motivation for each Dua. ISBN: 978-0-7961-0591-2 Download colour version of the pdf ebook Download black…
40 Hadith Masjid Afrikaans
Belangrikheid van die Masjied is a translation into Afrikaans of 42 Hadith from the book of Moulana Siraaj Girie. Moulana Siraaj Joubert of the Al Hidayah Centre, Eastern Cape translated the work. ISBN: 978-0-6397-8903-3 Download pdf ebook Read Online: Hadith 1. Die Verbonde Hart Arabic Audio: Afrikaans Audio: Download Afrikaans Audio سَبْعَةٌ…
Boek van Zikr
Muntakhab Ahadith, Boek van Kennis is a translation into Afrikaans of 52 Hadith from the Muntakhab Ahadith of Moulana Muhammad Yusuf Kandhalawi rahimahullah. Mufti M Taha Karaan rahimahullah, the late Principal of Dār al-ʿUlūm al-ʿArabiyyah al-Islāmiyyah, in Cape Town, had written a foreword for this series. Moulana Moulana Ahmed E Mahomedy, the Ameer of the…
Boek van Kennis
Muntakhab Ahadith, Boek van Kennis is a translation into Afrikaans of 55 Hadith from the Muntakhab Ahadith of Moulana Muhammad Yusuf Kandhalawi rahimahullah. Mufti M Taha Karaan rahimahullah, the late Principal of Dār al-ʿUlūm al-ʿArabiyyah al-Islāmiyyah, in Cape Town, had written a foreword for this series. Moulana Moulana Ahmed E Mahomedy, the Ameer of the…
40 Hadith Afrikaans
This book is an attempt to bring the source material of Islam closer and more accessible to the wider Afrikaans speaking population. The famous collection of Hadith by Imam Al Nawawi rahimahullah was chosen as the primary text. There are very few collections of short, educational Hadith that have become as famous as Imam Al…
Boek van Salaah
Muntakhab Ahadith, Boek van Salaah is a translation into Afrikaans of 110 Hadith from the Muntakhab Ahadith of Moulana Muhammad Yusuf Kandhalawi rahimahullah. Mufti M Taha Karaan rahimahullah, the late Principal of Dār al-ʿUlūm al-ʿArabiyyah al-Islāmiyyah, in Cape Town, had written a foreword for this series. Moulana Moulana Ahmed E Mahomedy, the Ameer of the…
Boek van die Geloof
Muntakhab Ahadith, Boek van Geloof is a translation into Afrikaans of 100 Hadith from the Muntakhab Ahadith of Moulana Muhammad Yusuf Kandhalawi rahimahullah. Mufti M Taha Karaan, the Principal of Dār al-ʿUlūm al-ʿArabiyyah al-Islāmiyyah, in Cape Town, and Moulana Moulana Ahmed E Mahomedy, the Ameer of the Jamiatul Ulama KZN in Durban have kindly consented…