Go to: 112 Surah Ikhlaas | 111 Surah Lahab | 108 Surah Kawthar 112 Surah Ikhlaas بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَـنِ الرَّحِيمِ Egameni lika-Allah uSolubabalo uSozinceba Yithi ngu-Allah, Mnye (Jwi) U-Allah nguNaphakade, Uphelele Akazali naYe Engazanga Wazalwa Ukanti akukho namnye ofana naYe Naye u-At-Tirmidhi kunye Ibni Jarir bacaphule njalo kodwa bona bongezelela oku kucaphulo lwabo, الصَّمَدُ (As-Samad)…
Category: Xhosa Publications
Incwadi Malunga ne Dawa kunye neTableegh
Muntakhab Ahadith, Incwadi Malunga Nokunyaniseka is a translation into Xhosa of 100 Hadith from the Muntakhab Ahadith of Moulana Muhammad Yusuf Kandhalawi rahimahullah. These are from the chapter on Dawah (Inviting to Islam). Mufti M Taha Karaan rahimahullah, the late Principal of Dār al-ʿUlūm al-ʿArabiyyah al-Islāmiyyah, in Cape Town, had written a foreword for this…
Muntakhab Xhosa
Incwadi Malunga Nokunyaniseka
Muntakhab Ahadith, Incwadi Malunga Nokunyaniseka is a translation into Xhosa of 62 Hadith from the Muntakhab Ahadith of Moulana Muhammad Yusuf Kandhalawi rahimahullah. These are from the chapter on sincerity (Ikhlaas). Mufti M Taha Karaan rahimahullah, the late Principal of Dār al-ʿUlūm al-ʿArabiyyah al-Islāmiyyah, in Cape Town, had written a foreword for this series. Moulana…
History 4 Xhosa
Download ebook: Islamic History 4 Xhosa
Incwadi Malunga Nokuhlonipha enye iMuslim
Muntakhab Ahadith, Incwadi Yesihlanu Malunga Nokuhlonipha enye iMuslim is a translation into Xhosa of 80 Hadith from the Muntakhab Ahadith of Moulana Muhammad Yusuf Kandhalawi rahimahullah. These are from the chapter on honouring a Muslim (Ikraam). Mufti M Taha Karaan rahimahullah, the late Principal of Dār al-ʿUlūm al-ʿArabiyyah al-Islāmiyyah, in Cape Town, had written a…
Beautiful Names Book One Xhosa
Amagama amahle ka-Allah Ta’ala, Incwadi yokuqala covers the first 33 names of Allah Ta’ala. It is a groundbreaking attempt to introduce the topic for possibly the first time in the Xhosa language. It is a summary of the book by Moulana Moosa Kajee who in turn consulted books on this topic by Imam Ghazali,…
Masnoon Duas Xhosa
Masnoon Duas Xhosa consists of 34 Duas for daily use from the Hadith and Noble Quran. These have been translated into Xhosa by Moulana Muhsin Mbotoli. The book includes the Arabic and useful transliteration, as well as etiquettes and motivation for each Dua. ISBN: 978-0-7961-0593-6 Download colour version of the pdf ebook Download black…
History 3 Afrikaans
Download ebook: Islamic History 3 Afrikaans
History 3 Xhosa
Download ebook: Islamic History 3 Xhosa